In Memorium Sunt: "Thank you for being you."
"MEJIN" means "Devine Genius."
It is only used when a uniquely great martial artist has become promoted

Those Karataka who wear the Sacred order of the "Crimson G" [Brotherhood, Urban Knights Exemplar] on the right breast of their uniform, proudly display their loyalty to the Grand Patriarch of All-American Gojuryu Sustems, Maestro Peter G. Urban, Ph.D. The dues paying Good Guys who do the right thing in the traditional way.
The Urban Loyalists who lead by the consent of the governed.

  Grand Master Guinee told the webmaster that it practically took  a miracle  getting Maestro into a white uniform and red belt, in order  to pose for  the above  photo's .

Maestro Urban's Photo Album

(c) Dayton Guinee 1983

This Kanji is written in Maestro Urban's own hand writing.  It says:" I am a beautiful country man", which translates to: "I am an American"